Friday, April 03, 2009

Yesterday morning, we had a birthday celebration at work first thing in the morning. The announcement said it would be a breakfast, so I skipped mine and came to work rather hungry.

The options were yogurt with ingredients I am allergic to, donuts, and cake. I had two donuts, a bit of icing from a friend's plate, and a Dr. Pepper.

I have ignored the whole diabetes question because 1) I don't wish to even think about the possibility and 2) my doctor left the country without ever really following up on the matter. However, I think, perhaps, that was not the best course of action.

I felt so horrible from the morning sugar fest that I couldn't think straight. My boss plied me with protein and lots of water until I felt better and made sure I got home safely. I ate vegetables and protein and salad for dinner last night and downed more water. I still feel strange today.

For example, I had milk and low-fat yogurt for breakfast and a burrito and water for lunch and then felt as if I had not eaten just two hours later. I was trembling and weak and hollow.

I ate chicken and salad tonight for dinner tonight and am hoping if I avoid sugar for a short while longer (I greatly miss Dr. Pepper) and keep focusing on protein and salads and vegetables, then I can past whatever I triggered by my sugar fest.

It is with great sadness that I feel as if Krispy Kreme should never again be part of my diet!

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