Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh, my! This week is done!

We did manage to get all three grants in, as well as some strategic planning documentation and an ad (design and submission). So, personally, the utter dearth of sleep was worth it to demonstrate that value-added factor as an employee!

Well, really and truly, this week is not done in that I have four tasks I would like completed before next week starts. They are all things I can do in my pajamas, watching NASCAR or something. Although, actually, for all I say that I enjoy watching the crashes, I usually find myself sleeping through the middle part of the race. Perhaps if I were to tape NASCAR and replay it at night, I would find it easier to fall asleep.

I have far, far too many things on my mind of late. The time it takes for me to drop off after closing my eyes has grown to oft nearly two hours. That is rather disconcerting to say the least. Although, the battle to quiet my mind has afforded me quite an opportunity to pray about those things, those I love, and the concerns I have for this world, for our future as a human race.

On the Sci-Fi shows I enjoy watching--those that always seem to have some examination of the human condition--many times there is an ancient or older race who looks upon humans as children, hardly fit to be about in the universe, not ready for the things in which they are engaged.

On many fronts, I would completely agree. We may think that we are beyond the or the cruelty of the Holocaust, but truly we are not. We kill children and leave them in suitcases. We see disaster as a prime opportunity to bilk everyone from the government on down to the victims who have lost everything. Not only adults, not even teenagers, but even children maim, rape, and murder. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We call it doing business. And we harbor our hurts and our anger as if they are precious commodities, flinging them at others as if it is our inalienable right, telling them how they should be, how they have wronged us, rather than walking in forgiveness. We label people as their mistakes, their failures, their shortcomings. We see them as not being who we think they should be instead of accepting them for who they are. We walk in judgment, rather than love. We fail to see the truth of our world because we prefer the cheap veneer. And we are unwilling to sacrifice a moment of pleasure or ease to preserve the gift of our planet.

Alas, such a tirade is that. Is is because I am tired from lack of sleep or is it because I am tired from the stories of murder and destruction and corruption that are utterly ubiquitous these days?

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