Sunday, April 26, 2009

So, here I am, with a finished draft of both the DVD and the Slide Show. I have a working draft of the program. I've completed and printed the name badges. And now need to apply the edits to the DVD and Slide Show, finish the program, and create a Scrap Book Display of old photos and articles. No problem, eh?

I worked 11 hours yesterday and 8.5 hours today. Where did the weekend go?

I did try to mow, but my lawn mower decided to break after just a quarter of the job being completed. I finished with my weed-whacker (I guess it is a good thing I have so much dead yard) and am just so completely discouraged that the lawnmower broke. The first one lasted 5 years. This one a mere two.

I could try and get it repaired, but the cost of doing so would almost certainly exceed replacing the darned thing.

Oh how I wish I had a male in my life who was willing to tinker on things for me!

Truly, I am very, very discouraged to have to shell out funds for a new lawnmower... But my arms are still trembling so much from holding the weed-whacker that I cannot even hold a glass to drink my Gatorade. I do not believe I should use that method again.


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