Friday, December 23, 2011

Recipe for failure...


1/2 can Easy-Off spraying
1 asthma attack
2 hours of waiting
1 hour of scrubbing, including Windex and 409
1 roll of paper towels
3 hours of napping to recover
1 additional day of stiff and painful hands

An oven that went from absolutely utterly totally disgusting to merely still rather dirty and an oven owner who is both plumb exhausted and very discouraged.


A year's worth of baking and broiling things with melting cheese and dripping sauces has taken its toll on my upper oven.  It did not help that oft those cooking endeavors resulted in lumps of inedible culinary charcoal. Apparently, I do not know how to properly cook in an oven, given how disgusting it became...bottom, top, all sides, and racks.  I took before and after pictures, but they are too discouraging to post...both that I let the oven get that way in the first place and that I failed in being able to clean it.

The lower oven has a lovely little feature called: Cleaning Mode.  A few hours of unbelievably hot temperatures and...voila...a simple wiping away of the resulting ash reveals a sparkling clean oven.

Logic would dictate that I only use the lower oven.  Only using the lower oven means bending over and that  is hardly ever a good choice for someone with dysautonomia affecting her cardiovascular system.  [Translation: I'll usually either near-faint or faint.]


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