Friday, May 27, 2005


I am SOOOOO very tired of people fooling around instead of working. Sending dozens of chatty emails, spending hours chatting live, doing school work, doing personal business work, and "visiting!"

Now, I have checked my hotmail account at work. And I do tend to "break" at in my bosses office, resting a bit from my work. But I know that I am working hard all day (and often evening and weekend) long. I work at both productivity and efficiency in all that I do.

If you are going to not work, then why be here? Why hang out in the kitchen, the conference rooms, and each other's desks, instead of working? Why hang out in common areas chatting away and disrupting others who are working?

A common theme at work: While the cat's away, the mice do play.

This is the single greatest difference from being a professor to being in the business world. In education, we were all cats...or mice... there was no playing around while a boss is gone. Is that because we were all "bosses" or because we took greater ownership of our jobs?

What do you do when you don't want to "play," when you want to honor your job, not degrade it?

Not joining in oft results in ostracization. How crazy is that?

Double ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I ignoring the log in my eye for the specks before me? Am I a pot calling the kettle black? I wish I knew, for I cannot believe at times how callously and carelessly people approach their jobs. Am I being too harsh? I wish I knew...

I wish I knew...

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