Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I had great excitement in my life tonight.

There I was, moving the brush back and forth, back and forth, wishing I were finished with the deck when all of the sudden, there was a huge "boom" from what I discovered was a rather large explosion in front of my house!

The noise startled me so much that I spilled some of the stain on the deck. My first thought was that my new car had been hit (even after a year I worry about the thing). My second thought was that I had to spread out what I spilled so that it would spot before I could race around to the front of the house. While I was spreading the spilled stain out, I first was comforted by the fact that if something happened to my car, the alarm would be sounding. But then I realized if that loud of a noise was something hitting my car, the alarm would probably be destroyed.

Finally, stain dripping down my arm as I held the brush aloft, I ran to the front yard to check on my car.

My car was safe.

However, the noise had been an explosion!

There was this heavy duty truck (like a trash truck but not one of those) that had exploded in the middle of the street in front of my house (I am glad I usually park across the street)! Smoke was billowing upwards, flames licking up from underneath, and the driver waving his arms in despair by the side of the road.

Two fire trucks and a two truck later, the excitement was gone.

My car was still safe.

I finished the deck and was quite pleased with myself until about an hour ago.

I let Kashi outside to conduct his business and realized that the deck is STILL WET! It is too humid now, even though when I started it was pleasant and breezy and the first coat dried right away.

If it rains, I will be stuck with a colossal mess for a deck...much heartache...and exhausting labor to restore it.

I am thinking dry thoughts.

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