Monday, July 31, 2006

I am weary of the heat. I keep trying to think of something good about sweltering each time I step foot outdoors, but I cannot come up with anything. I continue to be quite grateful for air-conditioning, though. I cannot even begin to fathom what it would be like to live without it.

A friend of my mine refers to people by their first initials on her blog, and I have decided that really makes for less confusion. So, I will henceforth be doing the same. She is D_, the one friend that I made through my old job. While she lives quite far from me, she has become quite dear to me. I admire her fortitude, her writing ability, how much she loves her children, her honesty, and how much I have learned about friendship from her.

Last night, I was treated to a rather long conversation with my friend W_. She and I have known each other for 22 years. It has been a long and winding path, the journey we have traveled together. What is lovely is that D_ has helped me understand how precious my relationship with W_ is and helped me understand that I need to be a better friend to W_. And yet, D_ doesn't know W_. I find it interesting how the Lord illuminates our paths and the vessels He uses for His Truths.

Anyhow, W_ and I talked about her vacation in Cheyenne this past week, savoring the memories of cool nights. Walking outside the airport was a rude awakening for her when she returned.

We talked about faith, what it means to be a Christian these days, and the impact the media plays in the current view towards morality. I find it frightening how much society has shifted in recent years. Lying, stealing, and cheating have always been a part of human nature, and thus our society. But it used to be that those were not character traits to be admired or pursued. Now, there seems to be no consequence to engaging in those activities and people hardly bat an eyelash when someone does.

On a lighter note, I share my new-found discovery of how to cook bacon with her and my immense satisfaction with a new type of bacon I purchased at the grocery store. I have always cooked bacon on medium heat, ending up with pieces that are more crunchy than crispy, with parts that are half cooked. By cooking it on low heat, resigned to the fact that cooking the bacon will take a while, it cooks evenly, and I end up with the perfect crispness for my consumption preference. W_ prefers crunchy bacon, so my method is really no use to her.

Funny, how you can be friends with someone who is polar opposites on so many different levels. Of course, with her, our relationship with Christ is the mucilage that binds us.

In case you are interested, Gwaltney Hardwood Smoked bacon is altogether satisfying in taste, a mighty wonderful addition to any meal.

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