Friday, February 15, 2008

B is here!

Besides give me a great big hug, what was the first thing she did? Walk straight to my microwave and find the rice button that I had been swearing was not there! Tomorrow evening we shall have Chinese food and rice made in the new rice cooker her mother gave me at Christmas!

What was the second thing she did? Immediately start putting her peanut butter cookie dough into the oven so that I could have her incredible cookies.

Now, I should note that there was some strawberry bread on the bottom of the oven that started smoking, filling up the kitchen and threatening to trigger the alarm system tied into the phone line to contact the fire department automatically. The air was a bit thick for quite a while.

I am rather reluctant to admit that the remaining work on her laptop did not go as planned. We spent a rather long while trying to get the wireless card to recognize my network. I was on hold with Linksys when B thought to reinstall the driver. That did the trick. I should have thought of that immediately, but progress was made.

However, there were many updates that needed to be downloaded and her memory is only 128 megs. The laptop only handles 256, but I found another 128 chip online for just $24.

After stuffing myself with six cookies, we played Scrabble. B was really hindered by all the downloading that was going on and couldn't easily access Dictionary.Com, a key tool we use to slaughter each other across the board. I won the game, but it was a bit of a hollow win. Still, I am back in the 600's...albeit temporarily.

We have yet to line up our moving viewing list or bring up the stack of games from the basement closet.

I cannot wait for tomorrow!

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