Thursday, February 07, 2008

I printed for 9 and 1/2 hours today, at times using three different printers.

I printed 100 program cut sheets for the recruiters.

I printed 750 pages for 50 informational packets, although I still need to print the business card sized adverts for the magnets. Those pages have to be feed in one page at a time, pushing the green check button after each sheet is completely through so the printer will grab the next sheet. Once those are done, I still need to assemble those packets.

I printed 975 letters and 975 labels utilizing two black and white printers. Of course, I did run into a problem since the antiquated version of MS Word that I use refused to do the large mail merge (one that had been completed several times before). Fortunately, I had brought my laptop and was able to move the source document over via flash drive, merge them, and move them back.

I printed 1,500 of the 4,000 fliers I need for the mailing. Even if I can get the printer to churn out the other 2,500 tomorrow, I will not be able to print the 1,300 bookmarks that were to be included in the library mailings because each of those sheets (that fit 4 to a page) have to been fed the same way as the business card sheets and done so on both sides.

Alas, I am so very discouraged over what I am doing verses what I desire to be doing.

That said, I have continued to be able to serve as a source of encouragement to the two women who are going through a rough time and to do my work heartily as if for the Lord (I need to look up whether or not I ought to be doing it cheerfully as well--the verses about cheerful givers I know, but do not remember if the same holds true for workers...). I am trying to focus on serving the Lord that way instead of the arguments over toner and manual mass mailings that are filling my days.

NOTE: Monday was filled with a monthly mailing to the parents, which includes a packet of information and much, much printing. April will be the next time I have to do this mass mailing again. Also, my headache has moved into its seventh day of existence. SIGH...

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