Thursday, August 07, 2008

Kashi tore his ACL this evening. The emergency vet offered the choice of surgery (approximately $2,000) or putting him down. I cannot believe this is happening.

In the exam room, he was trembling so hard that they couldn't examine him until they drugged him up. I brought him home, even though he was barely awake. He did sleep for a while on his bed. But now, despite two different pain killers and an anti-inflammatory, Kashi is whimpering non-stop, restless, and keeps trying to get up.

I don't know what to do. He's old, but not old enough to throw in the towel. Yet that is so much money to spend and he would have a long recovery period and it would not be a guaranteed repair. I am supposed to keep him drugged up and immobile until Monday and then take him to see his regular vet.

My heart hurts so much...

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