Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My grandfather fell down the stairs and broke several bones, including ribs and the incredibly painful collarbone. It appears that his heart is no longer beating normally, so he had a pacemaker placed within his chest and will be heading off to a rehabilitation center as soon as he is stabilized.

In the past two years, he lost his beloved bride of nearly 60 years, nearly died of pneumonia, battled excruciating shingles for many months, lost the eye site in his only eye left, and now this.

When he was ill in the hospital, the beginning of this season of trials, he spoke of not really having anything to live for, worrying me deeply because he has so much to offer to his family, even if his body does not work quite so well that it did.

I worry that this new battle will be too much for him, though his spirits seem to be better than the last time he was in the hospital.

Of course, I had a wretched experience last year, so I cannot blame him for being dispirited whilst recuperating.

Never, though, have a met a person more gracious in suffering. I wish I could face my own pain with the same grace as does he. For months on end, with shingles covering a majority of his torso, my grandfather was wracked with so much pain that he could barely sleep. Day by excruciating day, his body slowly fought the disease.

I have heard that collarbone breaks are quite painful. Given that it is hard for him to get around as it is, I cannot imagine how he will deal with three broken ribs, his collarbone, and stiff muscles from the fall.

He needs B & G's stair rules posted in his house!

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