Thursday, February 09, 2012

Noodling help...

My blood sugar just crashed.  It was another time when I was not aware it was dropping until a light bulb went off and I wobbled to the kitchen.  Sloshing around in my stomach right now are orange juice, sunflower kernels, and cheese.  Swimming around in my head are shouts for help.

I will admit that I dared a Ding Dong this evening, after eating lots of beef jerky and cheese.  I think, though, Ding Dongs have to be stricken from my life.  Apparently, I can eat a Reese's peanut butter cup at night, but not a Ding Dong.  So, despite the tears that fell doing so, I dumped the rest of the Ding Dongs in the trash and tore up the box for fire-making supplies.

I think, though, that part of the problem is I was out of Ginger ale and did not want to go out to the store today when I have to go out of the house tomorrow.  When I have the Ginger ale and cranberry juice, it takes several hours to finish it because it is basically a can of Ginger ale and a can's worth of juice since I mix them both half-and-half.  Since I am drinking that for a long while, from time to time I eat a little something.  Tonight, I did not. I had but three "meals" today.  The other difference is that I ate the Cheerios in the morning instead of the afternoon as I have been doing. Today, I had two chalupas with black beans, sour cream, cheese, and grilled chicken; cheerios; and cheese & beef jerky.

So, I was thinking I could see if Sandra (hint, hint, hint) would help me make a magnet system for my refrigerator that is about food, to help me better remember what I have eaten and make wider choices in what I do eat. I am not good at envisioning visual things, nor am I creative in that manner.  I think it should have the days of the weeks and a whole lot of options of things to eat, multiples of the same foods, so I can pick from a pool of choices and easily see what I have had to eat that day.  [I often forget what I have eaten earlier.  Because of this, I have taken to letting dishes sit in the sink until the end of the day so they might help me remember.]

However, in addition to the memory and decision-making help the magnets would be, I need to have a few more snacks that I won't turn my nose up at and that won't stress my innards that I can have as options.  I am thinking of this because I ate the cheese and nuts to go with the juice.  When I correct the low blood sugar with juice, I will merely crash again in a few hours if I do not have something to balance it.  And I think if cheese and nuts is going to be the best go-to when I am anxious and confused and weak from a crash--the option I would least have to think about--then I need to lessen my cheese and nuts during the day.

You know, my crappy pancreas no longer knows how to do anything but to shoot out copious amounts of insulin if it spots a carbohydrate in my body.  And it really seems to HATE carbohydrates that have flour and sugar both.  Straight sugar is no problem.  Flour with little to no sugar (like a tortilla or saltine) is no problem.  Put them together and neither my digestive system nor my pancreas is very happy should that happen later in the day (for example, having French Toast with breakfast is also no problem).

In thinking about having other options in what to eat, I realize that I have forgotten I like those petite carrots with peanut butter.  I am going to the store after my appointment tomorrow, so I will put those on the list.  I also need to think about eating an egg more frequently than I have of late.  Yes, slicing up cheese and crackers is easy, but an egg or two would be better.  I guess I should also get more yogurt, because I realized I have abandoned that, too.

The noodling help I need is some more snack/small meals items that I would cotton consuming (sort of picky eater that I am), which are primarily protein or vegetable.  This would be easy for most people, but when you truly dislike olives, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, cottage cheese, celery, citrus fruits, peaches, pears, and a dozen other common items that are not coming to mind right now because you am still shaking, you are sort of up a pole without a ladder when it comes to having small, easy-to-prepare things to eat.

So, in writing this, I have noted carrots and peanut butter, yogurt, and eggs.  Can you think of anything else I could either snack on or have as a small meal?  I will promise to try very hard not to "Yes, but..." if you will please offer some noodling help.

[NOTE: I would, at the moment, be weeping with frustration over this problem, but Amos has been frolicking about with his Flower Baby and has now collapsed at my side in exhaustion, with Flower Baby clutched firmly between two paws and resting beneath his head.  Oh, how thankful I am for that silly puppy dog!]

I am Yours, Lord.  Save me!


Becky said...

First off, carrots and peanut butter? How about pepperoni, bananas, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, hot dogs or pigs in a blanket (I know there's some carbohydrates but not much sugar,) spinach/artichoke dip with broccoli or cauliflower or your beloved asparagus, smoothies (using the above mentioned fruit,) PISTACHIOS!!! (you love them), to name a few.

Becky said...

salad, apples, grilled cheese

Myrtle said...

Uhm, you can have those weird nuts all to yourself! And the cauliflower! [shudder]

Exhausted Myrtle here hoping to sleep more now that Amos has eaten. The fruit you mentioned is good, but does require more frequent shopping than monthly. I had to stop eating my beloved grilled cheese. It started making me sick, as did the pepperoni. However, I could add luncheon meats to the listing. I had forgotten about the sliced turkey and ham I used to eat. Thanks for the reminder about salads. You know, I am clueless how to make a smoothie. I forgot I do like grapes. Gosh, been a LONG time since I had them. Can you buy pigs in a blanket??????

ftwayne96 said...

You have been a busy girl with all the posting you've been doing lately. I hope you arrive at a way to keep track of your meals, and what you need to eat when. It's tough, I'm sure, to have to worry about, poke, prod, and analyze, something so basic as eating, which most people just take for granted and do without a thought. The Lord be with you.

Becky said...

And a note about some fruit, you can buy monthly and freeze. Even grapes. Gary likes to eat frozen ones. I don't. Too cold for my teeth.

Smoothies - put yogurt and fruit in blender and blend. Add juice for a thinner mix. Enjoy. I forget if your blender made the move.