Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sometimes I wonder if I am too harsh. A person will ask my opinion, and I will give it. Isn't that what you are supposed to do when someone asks? I think so, or at least I did. But now I wonder if I am wrong. I wonder if you are not supposed to give an honest answer.

What do you think about...? I answer. Then I become puzzled that my answer seems to hurt the other person, to diminish her/him somehow. Just because I think one particular thing, doesn't mean everyone else has to do so as well? So, why should I censor my thoughts/opinions if a person has queried me about them? It just doesn't make sense.

I would never want less than an honest answer myself. I assume that would be the same for someone who solicits advice or opinions. Is this not the case? Are you supposed to measure your words against the needs or opinions of the person before you? Give one answer for Joe and another for Jane?

I am not talking about being respectful of another persons beliefs while interacting with that person. I am not talking about recognizing the other person's role/duties in the company. I am not talking about understanding and weighing the emotional needs or intellectual maturity of a person while choosing the words with which to frame an answer.

I am talking about someone asking you for your opinion. If it is your opinion, while being considerate of the person before you in how you answer, should you not simply state what you believe, what you think?

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