Thursday, August 31, 2006

I wish with my whole heart for tomorrow not to come.

I feel as if I cannot bear to see the date on the calendar. Tomorrow is the beginning of month 3 of being unemployed. I wish to wallow in Dr. Pepper and french fries and Bryer's Sara Lee Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream and take to my bed permanently.

I am trying to avoid myself. I am trying to make plans for tomorrow that take me out of the house and away from my thoughts.

Why does no one wish to hire me?

My writing student called to see if we can work together this evening. I was thankful for the opportunity to see her craft words into beautiful text and to lose myself in Megan's worries. I am hoping to get to a scene that popped into my head a short while ago, but is a bit down the road from where I am presently. At least we will be writing.

I hope and pray that my melancholy over tomorrow does not permeate our time together.

I am watching more of the US Open.

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