Thursday, November 09, 2006

Are you bored with your workout routine? Do you feel as if you are not getting the results you expect? Well, let me offer a solution: hang out second story windows and paint the trim.

Yes, I did just that today.

My father is opposed to me standing on an extension ladder, and I have come to agree with him. His idea was for me to sit on the window sills and paint the trim that way. I was dubious that I could reach the top of the windows, but some hard thinking, two paint sticks, and some duct tape took care of that problem.

However, after the second window, my heart was pounding and I was sweating profusely. After the third window, my arms and legs were shaking. After the forth, I needed to use my nebulizer. All of that just to paint the trim around four upstairs windows.

The wood really needs to be replaced, but in lieu of that, I thought a fresh coat of paint would help slow the breakdown of the trim that has been battered by the weather since 1947. I just didn't understand how difficult it would be to do so.

The worst part is...I need to do a second coat tomorrow...

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