Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Some thanks and some not...

I am thankful that both the person who helped created the HTML version of Dare to Read:  The Christian Book of Concord and the person who is hosting the free downloadable PDFs solved the broken link issue for me.  Such kindness to help someone with religious information different from their own beliefs.  I am a rather strong proponent of providing free materials.  I have been working on reformatting Luther's Commentary on Galatians into a bible study format for a long time, but I fear I will never finish it.  I am glad the BOC help has been restored.

On a different tack, I am rather unthankful for Indiana mosquitos.

The first two years or so I lived here, I thought Indiana did not have any mosquitos.  Then I learned they do exist here.  Wretched little creatures that can bite through clothing!  Three nights ago, I did a bit of weeding whilst waiting on Amos to tend to his business. I heard some buzzing, but being covered from head to toe, I thought nothing of it.  Yesterday evening, late, the itching started.  Yes, Indiana mosquitos are ones whose bites have these weird delayed reaction in me.

Somewhere around 36-40 hours later, I suddenly find I have itchy bits on my body.  I start scratching and fretting as another itchy place turns up.  Then, the itchy places turn into red splotches, with a tiny bump in the middle of them.  Those splotches then turn to large welts.  And the welts then transition into bright red spots on my skin.  IF I can manage not not scratch for a while, once the red spots appear, then I can finally have relief from the itching.  But the red spots remain itchy for a couple of weeks if touched again.  Sometimes, I can be scratching for three or more weeks per bite.

I very much dislike Indiana mosquitos.

Today, I am doing the saliva test for the integrative medicine doctor.  Four times I must fill this little tube with saliva.  An interesting task.  I had to wait because I have to send $99 with the test and needed my budget to cycle.  Then I had to wait until a weekday, because I have to freeze then overnight the samples.  Finally, I had to wait until today, because I forgot to get up early yesterday to do the test ... to be awake during the four windows of collection times.

I haven't done the blood work yet, because I am afraid much of it is not covered.  I haven't called my Medicare insurance company, because I don't understand the blood work paperwork.  I see the surgeon next week, so I thought I might just wait until then to see if she has any blood work she'd like to add to the very long list and then call.  Or be rash and just take the blood work and hope for the best.

Today starts Week Two of the Xanax withdrawal.  I am very thankful that I made it to the point and look forward to not having this drug in my body anymore.  I am still ... concerned ... what the beginning of Week Three will be like.

Such a wimp I am....

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