Tuesday, May 02, 2006

How can I lose something in my rather small abode?

Just this morning I was telling my best friend that I have four small poison ivy blisters that I have been coating in Corticool in the hopes that I can keep them from bursting and thus spreading into a full blown attack. If that happens, I will have to take prednisone and I really, really, really do not want to do so. Three are on the inside of my forearm and one in on my left knee. [Darn that yard work!]

I was telling her of my dilemma about how the clear covering rubs off half way through my day at work. If I took the tube of medicine to work, I would surely leave it there and most likely start scratching myself at night while I am sleeping. But not having it during the day is an equal risk. The tube cost $7, so I was loath to run out and purchase another for the office. "No," I told her, "I was better off keeping it right on my bathroom sink where I could always find it."

I came home today and discovered it is gone. Where could it be? I checked my bedroom, my study (near the computer), and next to the couch to no avail. It takes a while for the stuff to dry, but I usually just read until I can put clothing over the areas. Why would I move it from the place it should be given how faulty my MS riddled brain is? It just doesn't make sense. I spoke about it this morning and then I lose it!


I am itching just thinking about it.

NOTE: Putting scotch tape over poison ivy blisters as a protective covering is not advised as a replacement for Corticool.

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