Tuesday, May 23, 2006

In many ways, my day is just beginning. I am certainly burning the candle on either end, with my valliant attempt to keep my new grass seeds sufficiently moist, willing them to grow, for the fourth time to be the "charm."

Tonight I am trying to organize thoughts for a future of which I am uncertain, working with half-knowledge of integral components and trying to maintain a positive outlook. I am still stubbornly clinging to the idea of possibility, but I find myself worn down by those who are mired in the what has been rather than the what could be.

I left ankle seems to hurt a bit more with each passing day.

Knowing that I have hours still to go, I thought perhaps I would treat myself to my first Thermacare pack, one for my neck since I am having ever increasing stiffness and pain in that area. Now, I just have to remember where I put the box when I unpacked my shopping bags a few weeks ago.

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