Sunday, May 07, 2006

I gardened with my best friend today!

We puttered in the soil together, ripping out plants that had overtaken my side flowerbed and restored beauty to the area. She is a great worker, my friend, out planting me by a mile. Of course, I was working on the side with more of that lovely Virginia clay than she had. Still, she wields a mighty trowel.

They both helped me with a bit more pruning. I really, really did not want to do so, but she was right to push me to trim even more on one of my Rose of Sharon bushes-turned trees.

After a wonderful time of shared oneness with the soil, we had a really great meal, followed by ice cream cones (her husband had coffee) made sweeter by walking around Old Towne a bit.

I was saddened to see them go, but I was so very thankful for the visit. You see, I was quite grumpy and short tempered a bit yesterday whilst sneezing ten, fifteen times in a row. But neither of them criticized me for it or punished me for it. They just gave me a bit of space (and plenty of quickly-handed-to-me-Kleenex) and went on with our day.

To be accepted for who you are is a many splendored thing.

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