Saturday, January 27, 2007

My father came over for one of our movie marathons. The trouble is...he had a party last night and so we only managed two movies thus far. Well, two and a bit.

We made our pilgrimage to Wal-Mart, partly because while he did not get lost on the way over thanks to Garmin, he did forget his overnight bag. We loaded up on the essentials, picked a few essentials for me, and headed to the $5.50 DVD bin. Dad picked out 3 movies and I picked out 4. I might have picked out a few more, but with him footing the bill, I thought we should restrain ourselves somewhat.

We then went to Ruby Tuesday's because that is his new favorite place to get a hamburger (I still prefer Five Guys). Since I have been clucking my way through my meals for the past month or so, I thought I would get a hamburger, too. I asked for the cook to prepare it medium rare, you in the middle. Well, it was absolutely raw...mushy. The waitress gagged when she saw it and promised to get me another one pronto. Perhaps it was a bit too pronto. The second one was only slightly less raw and still mushy. This time, I was the one to gag because I bit into it.

I picked off the bacon and the cheddar cheese and sent the thing back permanently. Our check included just Dad's meal and my drink. My father kept asking if we should stop by somewhere on the way home, but I didn't see the point. I could just have some more chicken.

Well, we watched War of the Worlds, which got us both upset. It was too depressing, too horrific, and altogether too overwhelming. Prior to beginning our movie marathon, we had set our line-up of movies, but after seeing that one, we decided to switch the order to a plain old cat burglar movie. Oh, my...did we pick a truly awful one. The producers of Hudson Hawk should pay us pain and suffering compensation for the 26 minutes we tried to hang in there for the movie. Shame on you, Bruce Willis! For shame!!

Quickly, we shuffled through the pile of movies for something that might erase those awful movie memories and chose Dragonfly. Dad and I both were shedding tears at the end (he's gotten so emotional of late). Frankly, we needed a good old fashion shoot-'em-up to right our ships, but Dad is just too tired.

So, he's off to bed. I am off to my book. And we are both looking forward to better movie progress tomorrow. After reflecting on this evening a bit, I'm thinking that we might should watch National Treasure tomorrow for good measure.

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