Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oh, my 'Boys. What a horrible, horrible ending to their season. Mighty heartbreaking!

I received a call-back for an in-person interview next week. Great news, eh? Yes, it is...but...I am a bit dismayed at all the work I have to do for this interview!

I had to complete a 5-page application that was geared more to the shift worker than a manager. I mean...who remembers what elementary school they attended? I certainly do not! I do now there was more than one of them...

I then had to complete a psycho-social profile on-line and submit a one-page essay describing myself. That was a bit too much thinking about myself for me!

Next was to create a factsheet for volunteers on how to access their intranet and what they will find on the website. That entailed getting a user name and password and then plowing through all the links and documents from one end of the site to the other. Once I got a handle on the site, I had to design and compose the fact sheet.

Finally, I had to submit a critique of the intranet website.

I have drafted both the critique and the factsheet, but both need more work. I need to wait, though, until I have fresher eyes. Both assignments are due tomorrow.

I did apply for three more jobs.

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