Wednesday, January 10, 2007

When we were driving to Costco yesterday, I asked my writing student's mother G if we had done something to our legs while cleaning up the basement because the outer part of both my thighs was hurting me. She couldn't think of any bumps I did, so it was just another mystery for the now four items that are now missing in my home. Last night in the shower, I took a look at the bruises on either leg and just wondered how many other things I was going to forget.

However, today, while sitting in the green chair, the mystery was solved.

Kashi has taken to sleeping on the couch, and given his current state of health I have been loath to disturb him. So, I have been writing while sitting in the green chair. Sitting cross-legged. I sat down this afternoon and nearly shot back out of the chair because of the pain in my thighs pressing against the arms as I sat cross-legged! The light bulb went off in my head. I have never sat in the green chair this way until Sunday, when I typed my way through two football games and three movies.

Who else do you know who can injure herself in a reclining chair?

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