Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Do you think that I might be the only one in the East who is actually enjoying the cold weather? I have been soaking it in, spending time outside without coat, scarf, or gloves...savoring the chill.

Speaking of gloves, mine are a bit bare, seeing as you get a glimpse of my skin in the fingertips. Another item to purchase when I get a job. I would like a nice, thick, long-wristed pair of brown knit gloves. Brown because they would match both the coat and the sweater I most prefer wearing whilst out and about in the Arctic air.

My fountain has been frozen for well over a week now. I fear a bit for the pump. Perhaps I should have decommissioned it for the winter.

At least Kashi has enjoyed being able to frolic in the snow. When he pops outside for a breath of fresh air and spots a squirrel infringing upon his territory, he throws all caution to the wind and plunges down the steps and across the yard. Lately, his progress has been more slip and slide than intimidating surge. Other than that, he, too, is enjoying this fine winter weather!

The birds? Well, let's just say their dreams are of a return to the time when they do not have to spend much of the day puffed up and huddled together for warmth. Perhaps you could say they are fair weather friends?

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