Thursday, February 08, 2007

I have been avoiding switching to the new Blogger like the plague. I believed, rightly so, that for me to make the change would result in all sorts of problems. Alas, my fears came true when I was forced to make the switch today. No more logging in as an "old blogger." No more easy, breezy blogging. Nope. Not at all.

While the improvements are many, the switch was not facile in any way, shape, or form.

Sadly, I lost several features of my template. Now, I am sure you are thinking that the template was a bit place. Yes, it was. However, the friend who convinced me to do this in the first place back in 2001 had made that template for me. I wanted to keep it to honor her gift.

The archives, however, disappeared. The other blog links did as well. And I would add that the title was now covered half-way with the unavoidable "nav-bar." I tried and tried to find a work around, but in the end had to abandon that template.

So, here I am in brown...happy at least to have been able to restore the links and archives. Perhaps now that all is finally write in the land of Merely Musing I can go to bed for the night (ahem...morning).

NOTE: I did drop Google in lieu of one of my all time favorite sites: I would highly recommend stopping there at least once a know...sort of like an apple a day...

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